February 21, 2014
by Jessica Smelser

Basma3-300x292Tunis, Tunisia – AIC’s Tunisia Office Director, Basma Azizi, was recently invited to become a judge for the Thomas Jefferson Scholarship slated for March 2014.

The Thomas Jefferson Scholarship is administered by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State in partnership with the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) and the Centre d’études maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). The  Scholarship judges will select applications from among over 900 students from Tunisian universities and institutions, as well as from Instituts Superieur des Etudes Technologique (ISET) who have submitted their applications to study at an undergraduate institution in the United States.

Basma’s dedicated work as the “Tune in Tunisia” Program Manager has contributed to the overall success of this unique social entrepreneurship program which empowers individuals to strengthen Tunisian civil society. Tune in Tunisia will select its winner in the final round in April 2014.