BU DAILY FREE PRESS: Science scholars weigh in on evolution, Islam

The debate between science and religion on the evolutionary theory has been contested among a wide range of religions and scientists for years, but Islamic student initiative Project Nur program manager Shakir Mohammed said people could still study science and believe in the Muslim faith. “We are hoping people get an idea and are interested in…

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AIC and Project Nur present Science and Islam at Boston University

WASHINGTON, October 24, 2012 – This evening, AIC and Project Nur, with support from the John Templeton Foundation, will host the second event of the “Science and Islam” series entitled “Reconciling the Islamic Tradition with the Theory of Evolution” at Boston University. The event will feature three panel speakers, all prominent Muslim scientists from U.S.…

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BOSTON.COM: Experts to discuss Muslim tradition and theory of evolution at Boston University

BOSTON, October 17, 2012 – The American Islamic Congress (AIC) and Project Nur will present the second panel event in their Science and Islam series at Boston University on October 24. Panelists will discuss the intersections and divergences of Muslim tradition with the theory of evolution. The Science and Islam series is intended to create…

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